Elastic Humor by Penny Chavers

There are many forms of elastic . . .

If your elastic is plastic you will be fantastic!

But if your elastic is paper, it will be drastic!

Paper clothes are for paper dolls

not for people who shop in malls.

There are many forms of elastic

For many a use and type

such as wash and wear so people won’t stare.

But what’s up with all the hype?

And who is going to care?

Cotton and rubber good for swimwear

So, in saltwater, it won’t tear.

Polyester can be a bit stiffer,

But I beg to differ.

Some shrinks less

but if it comes undone,

it will be a mess.

Some is made of acetate

But hold on to your plate

It must be hand-washed

and not suitable for swimwear.

Oh what a bear (bare)!

This elastic humor is going to get you nowhere!
